Forum |
Topics |
Posts |
Last Post |
Offizieller Hasbro Bereich - Hasbro section |
Artikel die nach Deutschland kommen Artikel die in Deutschland ausgeliefert werden. - Items that were or are going to be delivered in Germany |
7 |
179 |
07/20/2018 10:57:27 AM by: volkerc  |
Hasbro - Items that need to/should be produced Artikel die Hasbro produzieren sollte - Items that should be produced |
6 |
29 |
03/13/2023 07:02:24 AM by: Trooper31  |
Hasbro - Fragen an Hasbro Stell die Fragen an Hasbro, zur Weiterleitung an die Q&A oder als Anregung. - Ask Hasbro questions to forward to the Q&A or make suggestions. |
11 |
418 |
11/02/2021 08:26:24 AM by: Trooper31  |
Hasbro Allgemein - Hasbro in General allgemeine Neuigkeiten, Messen... - general News, Toy fairs,... |
216 |
2494 |
01/22/2025 5:38:54 PM by: volkerc  |
Hasbro Q & A Lese die Fragen und Antworten. - Read the Questions and Answers. |
1 |
2 |
04/18/2012 07:38:48 AM by: Admin  |
Hasbropulse Germany ...Diskutiere ueber Hasbropulse Germany - Diskussions about Hasbropulse Germany and info |
2 |
73 |
05/01/2024 1:51:32 PM by: volkerc  |
Smyths/Toys R Us Bereich - SmythsToys R Us section |
Smyths/Toys R Us Deutschland - Germany  Toys R Us Werbung und LIEFERTERMINE - Toys R Us Advertisement and Delivery dates |
22 |
2238 |
12/02/2024 08:20:40 AM by: Trooper31  |
Toys R Us USA - Toys R Us USA  Toys R Us Werbung und LIEFERTERMINE - Toys R Us Advertisement and Delivery dates |
8 |
33 |
01/06/2025 05:52:21 AM by: Haviss  |
Sammler Kanal Bereich - Collectors Channel Section |
Collector Kanal News Infos ueber kommende Artikel und Liefertermine fuer Deutschland von Artikeln die ueber den Sammler Kanal ausgeliefert werden. - Find News and Information about items that are being distributed through the collectors channel in Germany. |
1 |
527 |
01/08/2025 07:42:06 AM by: volkerc  |
Spielzeugdiskussion Hasbro-Toy Discussions Hasbro |
Retro Collection (2019 - ) Diskutiere ueber die Retro Kollektion Serie. - Discuss The Retro Collection toy line |
32 |
142 |
12/08/2024 12:23:54 PM by: volkerc  |
Star Wars Epic Hero Serie (2024 - ) Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Epic Hero Serie. - Discuss Star Wars Epic Hero toy line |
0 |
0 |
none |
Star Wars Resistance & Galaxy of Adventures (2019) Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Resistance & Galaxy of Adventures Serie. - Discuss Star Wars Resistance & Galaxy of Adventures toy lines |
6 |
44 |
03/27/2020 05:20:03 AM by: volkerc  |
Solo - A Star Wars story (2018) Diskutiere ueber die Solo - A Star Wars story Serie. - Discuss Solo - A Star Wars story toy line |
19 |
114 |
11/14/2022 10:01:01 AM by: Mcreynolds  |
The Vintage Collection (2018 - ) Diskutiere ueber die Vintage Kollektion Serie. - Discuss The Vintage Collection toy line |
275 |
1903 |
01/22/2025 2:49:59 PM by: volkerc  |
Forces of Destiny (2017) Diskutiere ueber die "Forces of Destiny" Serie! Discuss the "The Forces of Destiny" toy line! |
8 |
22 |
07/25/2019 11:03:09 AM by: Trooper31  |
The Last Jedi - Die letzten Jedi Ep. 8 (2017 ) Diskutiere ueber die "Die letzten Jedi" Serie! Discuss the "The Last Jedi" toy line! |
34 |
175 |
07/25/2019 10:11:58 AM by: volkerc  |
Rogue One (2016 - 2017) Diskutiere ueber die "Rogue One" Serie! Discuss the "Rogue One" toy line! |
56 |
425 |
03/07/2018 07:09:15 AM by: Argon  |
The Force Awakens Ep. 7 (2015 - 2016 ) Diskutiere ueber die "The Force Awakens" Serie! Discuss the "The Force Awakens" toy line!
Sub-Forums(1): The Force Awakens Ep. 7 (2015 - ) 3 3/4 inch |
72 |
635 |
05/21/2017 3:32:31 PM by: Admin  |
Rebels (2014 - 2015) Diskutiere ueber die Rebels Serie! Discuss the Rebels series! |
24 |
269 |
11/27/2021 6:09:04 PM by: Commander Cody  |
The Black Series (2013 - ) Diskutiere ueber die schwarze Serie, die die B.a.D ersetzt! Discuss the Black Series which replaced the B.a.D. line!
Sub-Forums(2): The Black Series (2013- ) 6-inch, The Black Series (2013-2017 ) 3 3/4-inch |
502 |
2879 |
01/22/2025 3:12:03 PM by: volkerc  |
Droid Factory - 2013 (Offiziell gestrichen) Diskutiere ueber die "Droid Factory" Serie! Discuss the Droid Factory toy lines! |
6 |
61 |
12/20/2017 8:53:41 PM by:  |
Discover The Force & Movie Heroes (2012 - 2013) Diskutiere ueber die "Discover the Force " und "Movie Heroes" Serie! Discuss the Discover The Force and Movie Heroes toy lines! |
26 |
186 |
03/21/2014 11:54:31 AM by: BeTa  |
The Vintage Collection (2010 - 2012) Diskutiere ueber die Vintage Kollektion Serie. - Discuss The Vintage Collection toy line |
69 |
843 |
12/25/2023 12:29:58 PM by: volkerc  |
The Legacy Collection (2008 - 2010) Diskutiere ueber die Legacy Kollektion Serie. - Discuss The Legacy Collection toy line. |
18 |
24 |
06/19/2017 09:56:29 AM by: CT-1138  |
The Clone Wars (2008 - 2013) Diskutiere ueber die Clone Wars Serie. - Discuss The Clone Wars toy line. |
32 |
111 |
12/29/2018 2:26:38 PM by: volkerc  |
30th Anniversary Collection (2007-2008) Diskutiere ueber die 30 jaehrige Gedenk Serie. - Discuss the 30th Anniversary toy line. |
9 |
26 |
01/18/2015 2:08:50 PM by: volkerc  |
The Saga Collection (2005-2006) Diskutiere ueber die Saga Kollektion Serie. - Discuss the Saga Collection toy line. |
10 |
48 |
06/13/2017 07:12:45 AM by: snowphil  |
Revenge of the Sith (2005) Diskutiere ueber die ROTS Serie. - Discuss the ROTS toy line. |
6 |
16 |
11/04/2016 04:57:28 AM by: volkerc  |
OTC / 2005 Transitional (2004-2005) Diskutiere ueber die OTC Serie. - Discuss the OTC / 2005 Transitional toy line |
1 |
4 |
03/20/2012 1:12:50 PM by: Alfred_Hitchcock  |
Saga / Clone Wars (2002-2004) Diskutiere ueber die Saga / Clone Wars Serie. - Discuss the Saga / Clone Wars toy line |
5 |
16 |
04/29/2020 2:59:06 PM by: titusillu  |
Power of the Jedi (2000-2002) Diskutiere ueber die POTJ Serie. - Discuss the POTJ toy line. |
4 |
10 |
06/05/2017 2:05:36 PM by: volkerc  |
Episode I (1999-2000) Diskutiere ueber die Episode I Serie. - Discuss the Episode I toy line. |
5 |
39 |
01/04/2023 02:44:09 AM by: titusillu  |
Power of the Force (1995-2000) Diskutiere die POTF2 Serie. - Discuss the POTF2 toy line |
14 |
39 |
04/18/2021 05:18:49 AM by: volkerc  |
Prototypen, Muster, etc - Prototypes, Samples, etc |
Prototypen, Muster, etc - Prototypes, Samples, etc Diskutiere ueber Prototypen, Muster, etc! Discuss Prototypes, Samples, etc! |
15 |
21 |
07/07/2024 03:08:01 AM by: volkerc  |
Ueberseediskussion Hasbro-Foreign Disc. Hasbro |
USA Diskutiere ueber U.S. Varianten - Discuss U.S. Variants.
Sub-Forums(23): Solo - A Star Wars story (2018), The Force Awakens (2015 - ), The Vintage Collection (2018 - ), Rogue One (2016 - ), Forces of Destiny, The Black Series (2013 - ), Mission Series und Legends 2013, The Last Jedi Ep. 8 (2017 - ), Droid Factory - 2013 (Build a droid), Rebels 2014 -, Discover The Force & Movie Heroes (2012 - Heute), The Vintage Collection (2010 - 2012), The Legacy Collection (2008 - 2010), The Clone Wars (2008 - Heute), 30th Anniversary Collection (2007-2008), The Saga Collection (2005-2006), Revenge of the Sith (2005), OTC / 2005 Transitional (2004-2005), Saga / Clone Wars (2002-2004), Power of the Jedi (2000-2002), Episode I (1999-2000), Power of the Force (1995-2000), Star Tours |
421 |
1633 |
08/09/2024 12:53:59 PM by: volkerc  |
Kanada - Canada Diskutiere ueber Kanadische Varianten. - Discuss Canadian Variants.
Sub-Forums(17): The Force Awakens (2015 - ), Rebels 2014 -, The Black Series (2013 - ), Mission Series und Legends 2013, Droid Factory - 2013 (Build a droid), Discover The Force & Movie Heroes (2012 - Heute), The Vintage Collection (2010 - 2012), The Legacy Collection (2008 - 2010), The Clone Wars (2008 - Heute), 30th Anniversary Collection (2007-2008), The Saga Collection (2005-2006), Revenge of the Sith (2005), OTC / 2005 Transitional (2004-2005), Saga / Clone Wars (2002-2004), Power of the Jedi (2000-2002), Episode I (1999-2000), Power of the Force (1995-2000) |
57 |
119 |
05/14/2015 4:42:09 PM by: volkerc  |
Mexico u.Sued Amerika - Mexico and South America Diskutiere ueber mexikanische u. Suedamerikanische Varianten. - Discuss Mexican and South American Variants. |
28 |
51 |
03/20/2019 8:13:36 PM by: volkerc  |
Asien- Asia Diskutiere ueber asiatische Varianten. - Discuss Asian Variants
Sub-Forums(18): The Vintage Collection (2018 - ), Rebels 2014 -, The Force Awakens (2015 - ), The Black Series (2013 - ), Mission Series und Legends 2013, Droid Factory - 2013 (Build a droid), Discover The Force & Movie Heroes (2012 - Heute), The Vintage Collection (2010 - 2012), The Legacy Collection (2008 - 2010), The Clone Wars (2008 - Heute), 30th Anniversary Collection (2007-2008), The Saga Collection (2005-2006), Revenge of the Sith (2005), OTC / 2005 Transitional (2004-2005), Saga / Clone Wars (2002-2004), Power of the Jedi (2000-2002), Episode I (1999-2000), Power of the Force (1995-2000) |
94 |
186 |
06/16/2024 2:30:37 PM by: volkerc  |
StarWars-Figuren.com unterwegs - On the Road |
Ausstellungen u. anderes - Exhibitions and more Hier finden sich Berichte ueber Ausstellungen und andere Veranstaltungen die wir besuchten. - Here you'll find reports of Exhibitions and other Events we visited |
29 |
173 |
11/25/2024 09:24:55 AM by: Trooper31  |
San Diego Comic Con 2023, SDCC, 20.-23.7.2023 Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte von der SDCC aus San Diego Kalifornien - Here you'll find photos and reports of SDCC San Diego, California  |
12 |
24 |
07/31/2023 1:48:34 PM by: Damon  |
San Diego Comic Con 2022, SDCC, 20.-24.7.2022 Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte von der SDCC aus San Diego Kalifornien - Here you'll find photos and reports of SDCC San Diego, California  |
15 |
39 |
10/02/2022 10:56:23 AM by: volkerc  |
Celebration Anaheim 2022, California, USA Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte von der Celebration Anaheim aus Kalifornien - Here you'll find photos and reports of Celebration Anaheim, California |
8 |
12 |
05/28/2022 12:50:40 PM by: volkerc  |
Celebration Europe II, Essen, Germany 2013 Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte von der Celebration Europe II aus Essen - Here you'll find photos and reports of Celebration Europe II |
19 |
126 |
06/02/2015 5:37:42 PM by: volkerc  |
Celebration Europe, London, UK 2007 Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte von der Celebration Europe aus London - Here you'll find photos and reports from Celebration Europe London |
12 |
15 |
11/02/2013 09:37:00 AM by: CT-1138  |
Jedi-Con, Duesseldorf, Germany, 2008 - 2010 - 2014 Hier findet Ihr Fotos und Berichte der Jedi Cons, Duesseldorf - Here you'll find photos and reports from the Jedi-Cons, Duesseldorf
Sub-Forums(3): Jedi-Con, Duesseldorf, Germany, 03.10. - 5.10.2014, Jedi-Con, Duesseldorf, Germany, 3.4. - 5.4.2010, Jedi-Con, Duesseldorf, Germany, 21.3. - 23.3.2008 |
38 |
72 |
06/03/2015 06:16:28 AM by: volkerc  |
Sammlerecke - Collector's Corner |
Finde andere Sammler - Make Friends Finde andere interessiert im Hobby, Suchanfragen... - Make Friends, find trading partners, wanted items... |
33 |
479 |
05/04/2021 05:31:02 AM by: volkerc  |
Marktplatz - Trade section Biete,Suche,Tausche...Hier koennen Mitglieder privat an privat ihre Figuren tauschen, suchen oder veraeussern. - Trade section for private individuals. |
36 |
123 |
03/24/2023 3:07:52 PM by: volkerc  |
Deine Sammlung - Your Collection Zeige Deine Sammlung. - Show your collection. |
49 |
4675 |
10/21/2024 4:03:38 PM by: volkerc  |
Im Norden gefunden - Found in the North Schreibt ueber die Artikel die ihr im Norden Deutschlands gefunden habt - Post what you have found in Northern Germany and where |
5 |
338 |
04/05/2024 11:14:26 AM by: volkerc  |
Gefunden im Westen - Found in the West Schreibt ueber die Artikel die ihr im Westen Deutschlands gefunden habt - Post what you have found in Western Germany and where |
10 |
268 |
09/30/2024 06:45:49 AM by: volkerc  |
Im Osten gefunden - Found in the East Schreibt ueber die Artikel die ihr im Osten Deutschlands gefunden habt - Post what you have found in Eastern Germany and where |
4 |
358 |
09/08/2023 09:52:33 AM by: volkerc  |
Im Sueden gefunden - Found in the South Schreibt ueber die Artikel die ihr im Sueden Deutschlands gefunden habt - Post what you have found in Southern Germany and where |
11 |
559 |
02/14/2020 04:39:38 AM by: Trooper31  |
Im Internet gefunden - Found on the Internet Schreibt ueber die Artikel die ihr im Internet gefunden habt - Post what you have found on the Internet and where |
51 |
1482 |
09/01/2024 08:14:10 AM by: volkerc  |
Buecher, Filme, Medien, TV - Books, Movies, Media Schreibt und diskutiert ueber die Filme, Buecher, die Saga... - Post and discuss about the Movies, Books,...the Saga
Sub-Forums(4): Rogue One, Star Wars, The Empire strikes Back, Return of the Jedi |
137 |
1292 |
01/27/2025 07:26:55 AM by: Trooper31  |
Von Kenner zu Hasbro - From Kenner to Hasbro Von Kenner zu Hasbro - die Entwicklung der 3 3/4 Linie - From Kenner to Hasbro - the evolution of the 3 3/4 line |
11 |
89 |
06/28/2021 5:21:42 PM by: volkerc  |
Vintage Bereich - Vintage Section 1978-1985 |
Star Wars (A New Hope, Ep. 4) 1978 - 1979 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars "Eine neue Hoffnung" Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars "A New Hope" Figures |
2 |
8 |
03/10/2020 05:03:26 AM by: titusillu  |
Empire Strikes Back (Ep. 5) 1980 - 1982 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars "Das Imperium schlaegt zurueck" Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars "The Empire strikes back" Figures |
2 |
4 |
03/10/2020 05:07:17 AM by: titusillu  |
Return of the Jedi (Ep. 6) 1983 - 1984 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars "Rueckkehr der Jedi Ritter" Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars "Return of the Jedi" Figures |
2 |
3 |
11/28/2017 09:45:53 AM by: titusillu  |
Power of the Force 1985 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars, Power of the Force Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars, Power of the Force Figures |
1 |
8 |
05/17/2013 04:57:19 AM by: BeTa  |
Tri Logo Europa 1985 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Tri Logo Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars Tri Logo Figures |
1 |
7 |
08/12/2013 11:13:24 AM by: BeTa  |
Ewoks 1985 Figuren Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Ewoks Figuren linie. - Discuss the Star Wars Ewoks Figure line |
2 |
8 |
11/29/2017 09:48:13 AM by: titusillu  |
Droids 1985 Figuren und Fahrzeuge Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Droids Figuren Linie. - Discuss the Star Wars Droids Figure line |
3 |
7 |
07/02/2014 08:43:31 AM by: titusillu  |
Glasslite (Brasilien / Brazil) 1988 Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Glasslite Figuren. - Discuss the Star Wars Glasslite Figures |
2 |
13 |
03/04/2014 05:41:45 AM by: titusillu  |
Raumschiffe, und anderes 1978-85 - Everything else Diskutiere ueber die Star Wars Raumschiffe, Zubehoer, usw... - Discuss the Star Wars Vehicles, and everything else. |
7 |
36 |
09/01/2021 07:17:09 AM by: titusillu  |
Vintage Werbung - Vintage Advertisements Diskutiere ueber Vintage Werbung... - Discuss Vintage advertisements. |
3 |
8 |
09/01/2021 06:17:28 AM by: volkerc  |
Haendlerbereich - Dealer section |
Haendlerverzeichnis - Dealer addresses Finde Haendler in deiner Naehe oder weiter weg. - Find Dealers addresses, near and far. |
1 |
27 |
12/15/2017 2:00:47 PM by: steve-o  |
Haendlerwerbung - Dealer News Hier koennen Haendler ihre Lieferungen und News einstellen! - Dealers can post their delivery dates, new arrivals and news! |
13 |
22 |
07/07/2024 10:54:43 AM by: Damon  |
StarWars-Figuren.com |
Info Allgemeine Info ueber die Seite. - General info about this site. |
153 |
1680 |
01/02/2025 07:40:52 AM by: Trooper31  |
Wallpaper |
Wallpaper Download Wallpaper zum Herunterladen - Wallpaper to download to your computer |
1 |
2 |
06/14/2015 2:09:50 PM by: CT-1138  |