Junge, Junge. Hier geben sich ale Teilnehmer echt M?he. Ein bisschen Zeit bleibt ja noch. My oh my, a lot of effort being put in from all participants. Keep it up, still some time left.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrem zehnjährigen Jubiläum, volkerc! Vielen Dank, dass ich an Ihrem Wettbewerb teilnehmen durfte.
Hello everyone, my name's Ted Ekering. I'm an English teacher in Japan, where it's getting harder and harder to collect Star Wars figures; I haven't seen a new Hasbro figure here in five years.
Instead, like most of you in Europe, I have to import figures from US retailers, and it's sure getting expensive. Jabba's Khetanna was an extremely costly purchase, but the shipping actually cost me more than the barge itself did!
There are some amazing photos in this thread. Your submissions have inspired me to set up and photograph a wide variety of dioramas and custom figures I've made over the years. I hope you enjoy my work!
I've always loved the original Star Wars films for their innovative approach to visual effects, optically combining miniatures, animatronics, and gorgeous matte paintings with live-action photography. I've done my best to apply the same old-fashioned techniques, using action figures as actors and dioramas as sets.
I only wish I had a real DSLR camera, like Tancredi. All I've got is an iPhone.
I built this Millennium Falcon cockpit diorama for a modeling contest a few years ago, and added a few minor details last week.
I love every set featuring the Falcon!
The carbon-freeze chamber is a fantastic example of production design.
I also deeply love the Home One hangar from Return of the Jedi, and have done my best to reproduce it for displaying Hasbro's action figures and vehicles.
Oh, by the way, I'm also a longtime member of the 501st Japanese Garrison! We do annual parades, promotional appearances, community service, and volunteer charity work.
Good luck to all participants, and thanks for the inspiration!
Edited by - tekering on 03/07/2022 10:28:41 AM
Zopfloser Padawan m. sehr grossem Schwert
2142 Posts
Posted - 03/07/2022 : 11:58:54 AM
Hier ein paar Bilder zu meinem Projekt "STAR WARS - A new Hope - according to KENNER; Hasbro and Galoob" Ich habe versucht, den ersten Film nur mit Spielzeug der 3 Firmen die mich zum Sammeln gebracht haben / geprägt haben, nach zu stellen. Dies geschieht nicht immer mit Dioramen, sondern auch mit Packungen, Boxen etc etc. Ich habe viel überlegt aber es sprengt den Rahmen dieses Wettbewerbs, ich bin schon bei 40 Seiten der Geschichte. Daher hier nur ein paar Bilder auf die ich besonders Stolz bin und die insgesamt vom setting etwas aufwändiger waren. Viel Spass dabei.
So viele tolle Fotos dabei ich möchte nicht in der Jury Sitzen
Stimmt, ich auch nicht, daher werde ich mit einigen anderen beraten. Die Gewinner werden dieses Wochenende bekannt gegeben. Dank an alle die teilgenommen haben.
Thanks to all who participated in this contest. Because there are so many good entries we will discuss who won and announce the winners this weekend. Stay tuned. In case you did not win this time, your photos show that you are all winners and good people.
Thanks for the kind words, Tekering. I appreciate it very much. My wife is also a Star Wars fan, thankfully, and helped me with that silly Razor plus Crest pic. :)
I love a good joke, so I couldn't resist entering that idea in the contest.
So many great entries from everyone, some with simpler images with very cool scenes and ideas, others with really great visually composed "works of art" photos.
This was such a wonderful time being part of this contest, and so fun to see all the different kinds of entries by fellow fans who also love Star Wars figures.
Die Gewinner werden heute abend bekannt gegeben. Bei all den Teilnehmern und den vielen verschiedenen Fotos machen wir es uns nicht leicht. Habe mehrere Personen gebeten sich die Lieblingsbilder auszusuchen, bei Schnittmengen entscheidet dann die Mehrzahl der Stimmen pro Bild.
We will announce the winners tonight. Not easy with the amount of pics posted. A panel of people have been asked to pick their favorite pics. Those with the most votes will win. That way we keep it fair. Also have to do some checking according to rules.