Mit der Auslieferung der Wave 1 in 2015 findet sich eine Verpackungsvarinate beim Darth Vader. Der weisse Flyer ist nun direkt hinter die Figur gepackt anstelle wie bisher im Boden des Blisters. Der Aufkleber am Blister vorne wurde ebenfalls geaendert.
Great pic and thanks for the info! The new sticker on the bubble is a great addition, but whoever decided that the white flyer need to be displayed so prominently behind the figure is severely lacking in design abilities.
, but whoever decided that the white flyer need to be displayed so prominently behind the figure is severely lacking in design abilities.
Yup, but hey, they are slapping huge stickers on the back of the card covering the artwork, makes me think we can be lucky that they didn't place the flyer in front of the action figure.