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 2012 MH20 Darth Vader Bubble Variation

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Darth Jaxx Posted - 06/16/2012 : 12:35:59 PM
Thanks to volkerc, , I was able to add the EUR version of this figure to my collection. And, while comparing my new EUR MH20 Vader to the US version, I have noticed that there is an entirely different inner bubble!

I am not sure how many members here are interested in this kind of variation, but it is a rather large variation for me. I am eager to see if this variation shows up on the US version.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
volkerc Posted - 06/22/2012 : 03:51:14 AM
Originally posted by Trooper31

Is one rarer?

The first bubble version most likely, depending on how many more of the second bubble version will ship. Vermutlich die erste bubble version, abhängig von der Menge der 2ten Version die noch ausgeliefert werden.
Trooper31 Posted - 06/22/2012 : 02:43:24 AM
Is one rarer?
Darth Jaxx Posted - 06/21/2012 : 4:27:22 PM
This variation has now been found on the US version.

volkerc Posted - 06/17/2012 : 04:12:43 AM
Thanks for sharing. Great pics!
Alfred_Hitchcock Posted - 06/16/2012 : 1:10:12 PM
Thanks for showing!!!

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