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 The Black Series (2013- ) 6-inch
 Neues Verpackungsdesign

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
volkerc Posted - 03/20/2024 : 03:14:07 AM

Thank you for being a continued fan of Hasbro and our
iconic brands!

This year, in a continued effort to enhance the experience for fans of
action figures and our recent steps to reevaluate our packaging
goals, Hasbro created a new packaging structure for 6-inch figures.

Starting in Fall 2024, fans can expect the new packaging design across
G.I. JOE and TRANSFORMERS, along with premier collaboration brands
Star Wars™ and Marvel 6-inch collector figures. The new packaging
structure features improved visibility of the figure and accessories,
more robust packaging materials to protect against damage, and an
improved unboxing experience for the figure and accessories. This new
structure will also provide consistency across package size and
design aesthetics for collectors who purchase figures across our

What does the new packaging look like? We’ve included product and
packaging images here of some of the newest 6-Inch action figures from
the G.I. JOE Classified Series, Marvel Legends and Star Wars: The
Black Series—as part of the first wave of figures we’ve introduced
that showcase the new packaging design.

This update does not include packaging for fan collectible products
like the 6” Marvel Retro line, Star Wars Vintage and Retro, and G.I.
JOE Retro, where packaging is part of the product experience and
typically retained intact for fan display and collections.

We listened to our fans and collaborated with our partners to make
these updates.

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