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 Official Reveal 21.9.2022

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
volkerc Posted - 09/20/2022 : 1:53:03 PM

As hinted yesterday we are excited to share a new product with
you today. The item is an Amazon Exclusive and will be available for
pre-order today.

Wir freuen uns euch einen neuen Artikel vorstellen zu können.
Das 3er Set ist ein Amazon Exklusiv Artikel und kann heute ab
19 Uhr MEZ vorbestellt werden.


(HASBRO/Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $66.99 / Available: Spring 2023

The Mandalorian seeks out Ahsoka Tano to help reveal the Child’s past
and light the way to his future. She discovers his name is Grogu and
he has knowledge of the Force. Unwilling to train him, Ahsoka tells
the Mandalorian to go to Tython’s ancient temple ruins so that Grogu
can reach out through the Force atop the temple’s seeing stone in
hopes a Jedi may sense his presence. STAR WARS fans and collectors can
imagine scenes from the STAR WARS galaxy with this premium 6-inch
scale THE MANDALORIAN, AHSOKA TANO & GROGU figures, inspired by the
characters in the STAR WARS: THE MANDALORIAN series. Fans and
collectors can display these fully articulated figures featuring
premium detail and multiple points of articulation, in their
collection. This STAR WARS: THE BLACK SERIES 3-pack comes with 3
figures and 5 entertainment-inspired accessories. Available now for
pre-order exclusively at Amazon on 9/21 at 1PM ET.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
volkerc Posted - 09/24/2022 : 02:49:59 AM
Amazon Links

USA (ca.95 Euro)

Deutschland (118,99 Euro)

Frankreich (124,38 Euro)

Italien (124,38 Euro)

Spanien (126,39 Euro)

Polen (121,96 Euro)

UK (80,55 Euro)

Trooper31 Posted - 09/21/2022 : 10:03:10 AM
Ok, schönes Set für die TBS-Sammler.
Trooper31 Posted - 09/21/2022 : 06:46:15 AM
Bin kein TBS-Sammler (ab und zu eine Figur), aber ich bin mal gespannt was heute gezeigt wird!!

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