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 The Vintage Collection (2018 - )
 Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
volkerc Posted - 02/26/2025 : 4:48:41 PM


(HASBRO | Ages 4 and Up | Approx. Retail Price: $24.99 | Pre-order on March 5 at 1 PM ET at FAN CHANNEL retailers
and limited quantities on Hasbro Pulse; available Summer 2025.)

An exile from Ithor, Momaw Nadon was a rebel sympathizer who
cultivated a hidden garden in the mountains south of Mos Eisley. Based
on Momaw Nadon from STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE, this 3.75-inch-scale
figure makes a great addition to any fan’s collection. Inspired by the
original line, this collectible features premium detail and design
across product and packaging, as well as collector-grade deco that
fans have come to know and love.

Calling back to the original 1970s and 1980s vintage toys, this figure
features Kenner branding and package design with a unique VC number
for collectability (VC #362). Celebrate the legacy of STAR WARS with
premium vehicles, playsets, and action figures from STAR WARS: THE
VINTAGE COLLECTION (additional products each sold separately, subject
to availability).

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Trooper31 Posted - 02/27/2025 : 08:41:21 AM
Figur ist super, der Deluxe-Preis nicht.

Ich werde ihn kaufen, vielleicht 2x, aber als Basis-Figur hätte ich ihn dann 4x gekauft.

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