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 The Vintage Collection (2018 - )
 Imperial Armored Commando

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
volkerc Posted - 02/26/2025 : 4:36:32 PM


(HASBRO | Ages 4 and Up | Approx. Retail Price: $24.99 | Pre-order on March 5 at 1 PM ET
at Hasbro Pulse and participating retailers; available Summer 2025.)

The latest generation of Imperial super commandos are highly trained
warriors protected by beskar alloy cast in the form of elite trooper
armor. Based on an Imperial armored commando from the STAR WARS: THE
MANDALORIAN live-action series on Disney+, this 3.75-inch-scale figure
makes a great addition to any fan’s collection. Features detailed
series-inspired deco and multiple points of articulation. Comes with 5
accessories, including a riot shield, dagger, long and short
blasters, and a baton. Inspired by the original line, these
collectibles feature premium detail and design across product and
packaging, as well as collector-grade deco that fans have come to know
and love.

Calling back to the original 1970s and 1980s vintage toys, this figure
features Kenner branding and package design with a unique VC number
for collectability (VC #366). Celebrate the legacy of STAR WARS with
premium vehicles, playsets, and action figures from STAR WARS: THE
VINTAGE COLLECTION (additional products each sold separately, subject
to availability).

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Trooper31 Posted - 02/27/2025 : 08:39:32 AM

Ich brauche nur die Pistole und das Gewehr mit der Figur. Das wäre dann eine normale Basis-Figur.

Ich hätte 4 gekauft, aber jetzt wird es nur 1x gekauft.

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